A “romantic fantasy of the past”: Do You Believe in Retirement at 65?

The Street cites a study in which the majority of respondents did not believe that a “traditional retirement” at 65 was feasible.1

These days, many are kissing the idea of retirement at 65 a bittersweet goodbye, as they take into account lack of savings, social opportunities, or overall security.

To combat these fears and to keep busy, many younger older adults and baby boomers are retiring from their careers and taking up an “encore career,” or a second act. To many, an encore career can provide a source of income, entertainment, and maybe even fulfillment.

For example, some, motivated by a passion for history, take up positions as museum docents, post-retirement.

For an inspiration, take a look at Rick Brava’s story. As a “Carmel Valley baby boomer,” he began a second career as a writer after leaving his corporate career in the dust.2

So, before the idea of a “traditional retirement” causes you any anxiety, consider the possible benefits of an encore career.

1. Chris Metinko, “Baby Boomers and Gen X-ers Think Retirement is More Fairy Tale Than Reality,” The Street
2. Kristina Houck, “Carmel Valley Baby Boomer Seeking Next Stage of Life Finds It in Writing Book,” Del Mar Times

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